Quick Order Pad

1. Start by signing into your online account with us by clicking "SIGN IN".

2. Next click the FEI Logo on the top left of your page. This will bring you to our home page.

3. Then click the "Quick Order" Icon right of the home screen banner.


Search and View Items

1.  From this screen you can search all items on the site by typing in part numbers in the "Keyword/SKU Seach field and clicking seach directly underneath it. 

2. Results will display below containing a clickable short description. This takes you to a detailed item page which breaks down availability by warehouse. It also shows Stock, a total available across all warehouses, your price, and a field to add quantity. 

3. Enter the quantity that you would like in the "QTY" field and click the two arrows orange button to add to cart.


View List Pricing and Quick Add to Cart

1. If you have any content in the "Product Search" field, clear it and click the "Search" button directly below it.

2. Click the "List Selector" dropdown and find the list you created.

3. Select your desired list.

4. After you list is showing the the dropdown click "Select List". Then the items in your list will display below with its current availability and pricing. Items can be added to the cart by entering a quantity value and clicking the orange arrows button to the right of the pricing.